Trade in St Vincent and the Grenadines is expected to become less burdensome in the near future with the implementation of the Vincy Single Window for Trade (VSWiFT), an electronic window where traders will be able to conduct all of their business in one place.
This will eliminate the need for traders to go from department to department to collect documents that are necessary for trade allowing them to conduct all transactions online and avoid physically going to the Customs & Excise Department and other partner agencies.
Recently, in an effort to ensure that the implementation of the VSWiFT is done according to best practices an eight member delegation led by Mrs Krislin Goulbourne-Harry, CARDTP's Project IT Officer, along with three delegates from the United Nations Trade and Development (UNCTAD), conducted a five-day study tour to Jamaica from July 15 to July 19, 2024.
The primary objective of this mission was to observe and gain valuable insights into the Jamaica Single Window for Trade (JSWiFT) spearheaded by the Jamaica Customs Agency, and the ASYCUDA system, with the aim of applying these lessons to the successful implementation of VSWiFT.