Transforming To Serve You Better

 Citizens of St. Vincent and the Grenadines can expect to hear more about the Caribbean Digital Transformation Project (CARDTP), as it gets ready to swing into full implementation.

The government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines continues to make progress with its efforts under the Digital Transformation Project to establish an Electronic Single Window for Trade Facilitation (ESWIFT) now being branded VSWIFT (Vincy Single Window for Trade Facilitation).

Chief Surveyor at the Lands & Surveys Department, Mr. Keith Francis, says that with the addition of a quantity of state-of-the-art equipment to the Lands & Surveys Department, Vincentians will soon see a significant improvement in the way things are done at that department.

Mr. Francis was speaking on Monday, February 5th, 2024, during a handing over ceremony at the Lands & Surveys Department at which equipment to the tune of US$137,924.46 was handed over to him from the Digital Transformation Project.

Addressing the ceremony, Mr. Francis indicated that a consultant will soon be here to advise the Department on how they can transform their existing data into data that can be used electronically, using the GPS equipment which he says is one part of the Geodetic transformation effort.

Progress is being made by the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines in its quest to establish an Electronic Single Window for Trade Facilitation (ESWIFT) under the Digital Transformation Project.

On Friday, November 17th, the government through the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning, and Information Technology signed a contract with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) for the implementation of the ESWIFT.

Residents of Bequia got the opportunity, to interact with members of the SVG Caribbean Digital Transformation Project (CARDTP), implementation unit, at an in-person consultation that was held on the Grenadine Island on Wednesday, November 22nd.

The objectives of the consultation were, to introduce persons who are not yet familiar with the project to it, explain the project in detail and how they can benefit from this project once it is fully implemented. The consultation also sought to answer and respond to questions and concerns from residents. 

The consultation took place at the Bequia Anglican Primary School. It was also streamed live on the SVG Digital Transformation Project Facebook page. Those in attendance from the PIU included Project coordinator, Winston George, Communications officer, Jennifer Richardson, and a consultant from the firm Ernst & Young and De’anna  Ralph, Environment and Safety Officer from the Ministry of National Mobilisation.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines is currently being positioned to make better use of advancing technologies to strengthen the economy of this country through improved efficiency in the way government conducts business with the public.

The Inland Revenue Department (IRD) is encouraging Vincentians to utilize the point-of-sale or E-payment system which is available at the department when paying for services.

The use of the point-of-sale system at various government departments is part of the Digital Transformation Project being undertaken by the government of St Vincent and the Grenadines to improve the way they conduct business with the public.

The Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) is investing in digital transformation for the smooth and effective delivery of public services through the Caribbean Digital Transformation Program (CARDTP).